25 people involved in the alleged plot to overthrow the throne were arrested


 Germany: 25 people involved in the alleged plot to overthrow the throne were arrested.

In a major operation in Germany, 25 people have been arrested on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. According to German media, the plan of this group of ex-soldiers belonging to the extreme right wing was to overthrow the parliament. The building will be seized by the government.

 The wealthy man who plays a central role in the group's plans is said to be named 'Prince Henrik Duwaz Dham' and belongs to the old German aristocracy.

 According to the state investigation agency, this man is one of two people who are the ringleaders of the group, which is spread across all 11 German states.

 Officials say that this group includes people from the extremist movement called 'Rysborga'. It is the same movement that has long been under the watchful eye of German authorities and is suspected of carrying racist conspiracy theories in addition to being involved in violent attacks. This movement does not recognize the modern German state.

 Other suspects in this group are said to belong to the movement called 'Qanun', which believes that their country is a 'deep state'.

 Also among the suspects is a Russian woman who was allegedly asked to help Henrik make contacts with Moscow.

 Authorities have identified the woman as 'Vitalia B', however the Russian Embassy in Berlin has denied the allegation, saying in a statement that Russia 'does not support any terrorist group or its illegal (sub)organisations and  does not establish a relationship with individuals.'

 It should be noted that in recent years there have been several violent attacks in Germany that have been blamed on the country's far-right organizations and individuals.  In 2020, a 43-year-old man shot and killed nine people, while in 2016, a member of Ryborga was sentenced to prison for killing a policeman.

 The Raisburga movement is said to number more than 21,000 members and supporters, and authorities believe that about five percent of them are affiliated with far-right organizations. 

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