Increase in the value of the dollar against the rupee, also bearish in the stock market


 Increase in the value of the dollar against the rupee, also bearish in the stock market.

The value of the dollar against the rupee increased again today, the dollar increased by 21 paise to 224 rupees 37 paise.

 On the fourth day of the business day, the value of the dollar in the interbank market saw an increase for the second day in a row. The dollar closed at 224 rupees 37 paise after increasing by 21 paisa in the interbank market. The dollar was sold at 232 rupees 5 paisa in the open market.

 Yesterday, the dollar closed at 224 rupees 16 paisa in the interbank market, while the dollar was sold at 231 rupees 50 paisa in the open market.

 On the other hand, there was a downward trend in the stock market as well, after a decline of 167 points in the market, the 100 index closed at 41,651 levels.

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